FBC Alumni Steve Boots (’05) and his family recently planted a church in metropolitan Richmond, Virginia. There were 42 people in attendance for the first service of Mount Victory Baptist Church.
In preparation for the first service, the Boots hosted a Community Day in the park on September 10 and had 191 people from the community come. They used this as a way to get their name out and then followed up on the addresses they received from the event. Several of these people came for the first service.
They were able to pass out just under 20,000 John/Romans and invitations into the community prior to their start. They also had a few visitors come over the first few nights of their “Getting Acquainted Meetings.” These meetings were a very valuable time for the Boots. It helped them get comfortable with what they were doing, and it also opened their eyes to the fact that they cannot rely solely on throwing a lot of work and time into something and expect results. God has to be the One to send the people.
Please pray for the Boots as they continue to knock on doors and reach this area for Christ.

Steve (’05) and Rebekah Boots and their 3 children