Fairhaven Bookstore Website

The Fairhaven bookstore has been a blessing to our church and ministries for many years. The bookstore recently launched a website that will enable online ordering. Items for sale include music recordings, sheet music, and materials for children’s ministries....

Israel Trip

Dr. Jeff Voegtlin led a tour to Israel recently. This trip was guided by Eitan Chamberlin of Samson Tours. It was a tremendous time of fellowship with like-minded pastors, including many Fairhaven Baptist College graduates. The graduates were from classes ranging from...

Mother/Daughter Banquet

The ladies enjoyed a wonderful evening at the Mother/Daughter Banquet on Friday. The Lord blessed as nearly 700 ladies attended. We were privileged to have Mrs. Brenda Bickford here to speak. Her husband, Mitch Bickford, pastors Lee Baptist Church in Lee, Maine.